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3شهریور روز جهانی خواندن کتاب - 6th September, Read a Book Day

بازدید 867
ارسال توسط davood bayatdavood bayat


تاکنون 1 نظر و پیام ارسال شده است.

The first celebration of Read a Book Day was around the end of the first decade of the 2000’s and was almost certainly the idea of a librarian, probably one who was encouraging youngsters to read a book. On Read a Book Day, it’s not compulsory to read a whole book but the day serves as inspiration to people to read a section of a book they particularly enjoyed, to read with children, to donate a book to a children’s school library, or to host a book reading party. Although the day was probably thought of with print books in mind, e-books are equally suitable for celebrating Read a Book Day. The main goal is to encourage reading, as both fiction and non-fiction books open up huge unknown vistas to enquiring minds. Taking the opportunity to enjoy some time out of the day to relax and read is good for the soul and the.


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