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مرداد ماه آگاهی عاشقانه - August Romance Awareness Month

بازدید 850
ارسال توسط davood bayatdavood bayat


تاکنون 2 نظر و پیام ارسال شده است.

Why not try one of these simple thing habits to get the romance flowing. 1. Go to bed at the same time 2. Cultivate common interests 3. Walk hand in hand or side by side 4. Make trust and forgiveness a default mode 5. Focus more on what your partner does right vs. what they do wrong 6. Hug each other after you see each other after work 7. Say “I love you” or “Have a Good Day” every morning 8. Say “Good Night” every night, regardless how you feel 9. Do a “weather” check during the day (Check in with each other) 10. Be proud to be seen with your partner
When people hear the word “romance” they tend to run for the hills. Being romantic can be difficult for some, and for others perhaps they have too much expectations as to what “romance” really means. It doesn’t have to be about extravagant gifts or expensive meals, flowers or chocolate. In fact, the most simple things can foster a healthy relationship


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